Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chapter 8

Optional post for chapter 8.


  1. “What pea brains, eating his ripped flesh as indifferently as they would bits of fish! They treated him like any other animal.”
    -Cole lying defeated after his battle with the Spirit Bear. Pg.68
    Cole hadn’t realized how small of an existence he lived. He considered himself high and mighty, yet in reality he is just as insignificant as all the rest of the creatures living in our world. I think this near-death experience has taught Cole to respect nature. It seems he has yet to realize that just as he may be able to affect people, they can also affect him.

  2. hey people how are u today?

  3. what happened to Cole was his own fault. he has to learn his lesion one way or another. :)

  4. I hope he does learn from this. So far he doesn't' seem to have learned much.

  5. chapter 8 page 68

    " Hey look at me I'm Cole Matthews I'm better than you ."
    I think he just saying that because he jealous of something

  6. '' hey look at me im Cole Matthews and im better then you''
    chapter 8 page 68
    I think he said that to make him feel better by saying hes better then everyone no matter what

  7. Chapter 8 pg.67
    "was he dying?" Cole asked himself. Cole was bearing obviously a very bad pain after the bear basically slaughtered him. Even though he's hurt really badly this is kinda like a reality check showing him he's not all that and he's not better than everyone or everything.

  8. Cole was cowering on the ground after the bear had attacked him.......
    "As the bear turned towards him again, Cole screamed,"No! No more!" but his words came out as coarse grunts." pg 66

    I wonder if Peter tried to scream out to Cole as Cole was smashing his head into the sidewalk. Maybe Cole feels like Peter now.

  9. "What luck, Cole thought. To end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn't have brains enough to run away". PG. 68
    This happened right after Cole had got attacked by the spirit bear. And I think he is mad that he didn't kill the spirit bear and he is feeling lost.

  10. Chapter 8 Page 73
    -Was this how the world was getting rid of him?
    I chose this sentence because Cole thinks that he’s going to die, and he thinks that he’s dying because the world wanted him to.
