Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chapter 7 predictions and quotes

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  1. Chapter 7
    In this chapter the spirit bear has shown up on the shore line again. Cole has grabbed his spear and knife. He yells at the bear but it still isn’t moving or going anywhere.
    I think Cole is going to throw the spear at the bear and the bear might get hurt. The bear will run away and disappear again, like it always does.

  2. “Get out of my face,”
    -Cole approaching the Spirit Bear, about to attack. Pg. 64
    Cole thought he would be able to kill the Spirit Bear. A spirit bear is a lot stronger and faster than a mere man. If Cole doesn’t flee, he will be brutally mauled. He said he needed to think straight and stop making rash actions. Yet, he continues to make poor choices. He could’ve easily fled from the bear, but he chose to attack. He is going to learn to respect the wild life first-hand. I think his anger, stubbornness and arrogance will inevitably be his downfall.

  3. Chapter 7 page 59
    The spirit bear came back. “You maggot, I’ll kill you” Cole wants to kill the spirit bear. I think Cole isn’t going to kill the spirit bear. He is just going to back away because he doesn’t have the guts to do it.

  4. I'll kill you. Cole yelled leaping to his feet.
    I think he is full of anger because he could not get off the island.

    1. Well picked quote; Cole was getting angry with the spirit bear, so maybe he also needed somewhere to unleash his madness and depression.

    2. thank you Bendan and yes you are right Cole needs to let all his anger out. But not hurting someone.

    3. I agree, maybe he should go for a run or something, there are lots of other ways to let out anger.

  5. Chapter 8 prediction
    Cole in chapter 7 was just about to try to kill a bear that he thought was trying to defy him by getting so close. In chapter 8 I think Cole is going to hesitate before attacking the bear, and he will ,in return, get attacked by the bear first; Cole thought the bear wasn’t threating, but because of Cole’s stance and readiness to throw the spear, I think that the bear felt threatened enough to attack. The result of the attack I think will be devastating to Cole’s wellbeing; I think that Garvey and Edwin will need to come to his aid to help him.

    1. well picked quote. you are right Brendan Cole is going to get really hurt in chapter 8. I think Cole is a good guy but jest he needs to know. :)

    2. Some people say there is a good person inside of everyone, do you think that is true?

    3. There can be, but Cole certainly isn't showing his right now.

  6. I predict that Cole will actually try to kill the bear but the bear would run out of the way. I don’t think the author would kill off the bear right now because it’s going to have a big role later on probably.

    1. Could you explain how it might effect the book later

    2. well without the bear he wouldn't understand that he's not greater than everyone because the bear like destroyed him.

  7. I think that when Cole throws the spear it will miss him or it will go right through him.

    1. Ah, so you were thinking that the "spirit" bear was actually a spirit, or a figment of Cole's imagination and was not actually physically there?

  8. I disagree with you. I think he will just back away and wont kill.

  9. I think the spirit bear will attack Cole before Cole even gets a chance to throw the spear at the bear.

    1. That is an excellent comment Kai great job

  10. I think Cole won't hurt the spirit bear because he might be scared.

    1. well you are wrong at that. I read the book and he dos go after the bear. he is not really scared of it. but it teaches him.

  11. I think that Cole will either throw his spear or stab the spirit bear, but right after the he does the spirit bear comes at him and attacks him. One thing I'm sure will happen is that none of them die because it's still just the starting of the book and there's still so much more to read.

  12. why does cole hate the bear so much like what did the bear do to him?!?!?

    1. Cole thought he was the boss of the island, and the bear was trying to defy him by getting so close. Cole also needed a place to let all his anger out as well.

  13. page 64
    I think cole is understood almost every bear and a spirit bear is a lot stronger than most humans

  14. Cole shouldn't attack the spirit bear because he will almost be killed

  15. 'I'll kill you''
    page 59
    chapter 7
    Cole yelled it out

  16. Chapter 7 page 59
    ‘‘I’ll kill you’’
    I chose this quote because he thinks that he can kill a bear. When actually the bear can kill him because the bear is twice Cole’s size.
