Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chapter 1

Choose a quote from chapter one that stands out to you. Post the quote and explain why the quote stood out to you and what it tells us about Cole and his relationships.

If you missed class you can read along with the audiobook here:  


  1. -“If you don’t want change, this will never work.” Page 12.
    Garvey said this to Cole while he was telling him what needs to be done if you he wants to go to the Justice Circle. Cole was feeling interested, for the reason that he could get a reduced prison sentence if he’s “healed” by Circle Justice. What this means to Cole is that if he doesn't change, things will not get any better.

  2. “Everybody had an angle.”

    This quote really tells me a lot about Cole. It tells me that he really observes other people and likes to figure out their story. He likes to know every little detail about someone, to know how to get around them.

    1. This a very well written quote and I see what you mean. Cole seems like the kind of person that would use others to his advantage.

  3. "It isn't about avoiding jail"
    That tells me he is a rebel

    1. Indeed, he sounds like a rebel.

    2. I agree with what you said, but your follow up could have explained more. I think that it shows that he's not ready and is trying to avoid life as everyone else.

    3. Brendan, what do you mean by "avoid life as every one else"?

    4. I didn't word that very well, what I meant was that he was trying to cheat life. Which in return brought him bad.

  4. “What if I don’t care about you and your dumb cat?”
    -Cole discussing Circle Justice with Garvey. Pg. 11
    Cole had little respect for anyone at all. He wanted to know if he could gain anything before agreeing to Circle Justice. I think Cole was arrogant and a hypocrite. He disliked any deal offered to him until he learned if he could get an advantage.

    1. I see what you are getting at, but what does this have to do with his cat? Could you explain it a bit more? How are the imaginary wounded cat and Peter similar?

    2. Peter and the Cat have both been wronged and need to heal to forgive. Cole needs to take responsibility for his actions and apologize to help the people he wronged heal. In order for Circle Justice to work, everyone needs to accept what has happened and move on.

  5. “But you’re the one who starts the process in the heart.” pg.12
    This quote tells me that if he wants to change he has to start the process from his heart.

  6. “If you don’t want change, this will never work.” Pg. 12
    The significates of this quote is, it’s really deep.

    1. indeed, this quote is very deep.

    2. i agree with you but what's your valid reason on why it's deep?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sarebear and Punjeet, like Hargi I wonder what you mean by "deep." Why do you feel that it is deep? By deep, do you mean full of meaning? if so, what meaning does it have?

  7. “Feeding a dumb cat beats paying a fine”
    -Cole M
    This quote stood out to me because of the way he didn’t care about anything but not going to prison. Cole seems carefree in this quote.

    1. I agree with your quote follow-up. I also think that Cole cared little for anything. It seems he was reluctant to accept the deal, until he realized he could get an advantage. Good choice for your quote!

  8. “Everybody had an angle” page 7
    This quote stood out to me because it tells me that he is very smart and conning. Also that he is good at getting what he wants.

  9. “The punishment for smashing Peter Driscal’s skull into the sidewalk- his most recent crime- is harsh.” (Back cover)

    This tells me that Cole is a bad person. People shouldn’t be able to do things like that. He deserves what punishment he gets.

    1. I agree, someone needs to be punished if they almost kill someone.

  10. “I’m no Indian!” Pg.10
    It sticks out to me because I’m Indian, but I’m the other kind of Indian. My Indian is actually from India…

    1. Very interesting. I like how you worded this.

    2. Very interesting.I Iike how you worded this

    3. Listen whoever this punjeet is I don't think that was a valid comment

    4. Why was it not valid? Regardless of what the author meant when Cole said "Indian" - the word stood out to Punjeet and became meaningful to her. Sometimes writing has un intended results, and anything you feel when reading is valid.

  11. i never want to see you're ugly faces again!page 9
    i was surprised he would say that to his parents.

    1. I never would have considered saying this to my parents either, but I had and still have a very good relationship with my parents and I think Cole's relationship is very different than mine is.

  12. the punishment for smashing Peter Driscal's everybody had an angle page 7
    this is what I think about the 1st chapter it was really good I like it. It is really interesting to me

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying the book Jazmine, I really like it too!

  13. “I never want to see your ugly faces again”
    Page 9
    I think Cole said this to his Parents and the Lawyer maybe because he was mad at his parents because they got divorced and they didn’t keep him out of Jail.

  14. I think Cole dos not under stand what he did wrong and he has to be punished

  15. Chapter 1
    “Just do it”
    I chose this quote because it is the same quote for Nike.

  16. "why would i want to take care of a dumb cat"
    i pick this quote because i can see he dont like cats

  17. "why would i want to take care of a dumb cat"
    i pick this quote because i can see he dont like cats

  18. ...or maybe he doesn't care about other livign things in general.

  19. '' skrew up this is your last chance''
    coles parents told cole that because maybe they didn't want to go threw so much more trobble?

  20. Cole seems like he tries to use people to his advantage

  21. Chapter 1 page 9
    "I never want to see you ugly faces again"
    Cole was mad and they were going to send him to jail for beating up peter.

  22. page 4 chapter 1

    "get real old man"
    I think that is harsh to say to anybody never mine to garvy

  23. "If you don't want change,this will never work" page 12
    I think gravy said that because he wanted to warn Cole if he didn't want to change for the circle justice to reduce his sentence but even if he did go to circle justice it would not make things better with peter especially after what he did to him.
